
R.E.H. means "Raumerweiterungshalle"
(spatial extension container). It is a collectivly organised space in
the center of Berlin (Germany) that hosts various cultural and political
events. Check out their website for the latest activities. |

Queer squat in Amsterdam (Holland) that presents a bar, available for
projects, the kraak-sprekuur centruum, the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe cinema, the
SplusD development lab (with the d.r.0.p. developer in residence project),
a dark room for photography printing, a graphic space, internet facilities,
workshop room, the Barefoot Clinic, the Oaxaca support group, queer cabaret,
art studios and more. We are looking for an alternative. |

International internet magazine with main focus on squatted houses,
car sites and other free spaces.
Different people with different backgrounds try to work together and
collect news and important stuff on the squatter scene. Sure we're not
able doing this alone - quite a lot of information is sent by our readers
- yes, from YOU!

In many places, painting graffiti is illegal. We do not advocate breaking
the law, but we think art belongs in public spaces and that more legal
walls should be made available for this fascinating art form.


tapes places schicky tapes plus diverse sub-labels such as korrekt tapes
on www.schickytapes.biz.
With every product goes an e-mail address which allows the visitor of
schicky tapes to get in contact with the producer of the desired tape.
At schicky tapes, nothing, but nothing, can be purchased. The only way
to get a schicky tapes product is through exchange.