DE: de-defencing tour started

the german anti lager action tour (20.aug - 05 sept) has begun with a first action at the deportation prison in brahmsche. about 600 people protested against the deportation-camp which as one of the largest of its type in europe. The camp houses 550 asylum seekers that are considered by the german authorities to have no 'long term residency perspective' and are therefore interned under conditions which are supposed to 'encourage their willingness to return to their countries of origin'.
During the demonstration the participants attempted to tear down the camps outer fence but were stopped by violent police intervention.

evolutionäre zellen 2004

»How do you creatively shape your society?«
The competition »evolutionäre zellen 2004«, endowed with 10,000 Euro in prize money, is looking for groups, organizations, companies and individuals who are opening new doors in actively and creatively shaping society.
The desire to change the societal state of being with new ideas is not always easy; it is often met with initial resistance, and confronted with the question as to which form an idea should assume in order to be convincing to others while still satisfying one's own expectations. Accordingly, new ideas and social alternatives are first developed and tested in smaller contexts, in the form of societal models, islands or »evolutionäre zellen« (evolutionary cells).

the deadline for entries is October 1, 2004